Place: Vicenza, Italy
Date: 2016-2017
Developer: Vicenza Town Hall
Design team: Pan Associati de Milán: Dr. Para. Benedict Selleri, arco. Gaetano Selleri, arch.Francesco Dal Toso, Claudio Bertorelli, Andrea De Pin, ing. Justin Moro, arco. Franco Zagari, el dr. Martí Franch Batllori (en colaboración de Miriam García y Victor Ténez), el dr. Gino Lucchetta, Riccardo Gini, Almo Farina y Massimo Venturi Ferrioli
September 30, 2016 was presented the preliminary design for the Peace Park, which will be built on the former airport of Dal Molin, an area of 650 thousand square meters growing, from north to south, for a kilometer and a half-mile, and, from east to west, for half a kilometer. The entire area will be design with the theme of water, which emerges clean and transparent. Thanks to a widespread but not invasive intervention on the morphology of the surface it will be possible to develop many ecosystems, rich in biodiversity.
The project is being developed by the group of professionals led by Pan Associati of Milan: Dr. For. Benedict Selleri, arch. Gaetano Selleri, arch.Francesco Dal Toso, Claudio Bertorelli, Andrea De Pin, ing. Justin Moro, arch. Franco Zagari, dr. Marti Franch Batllori (in collaboration with Miriam García y Víctor Ténez Ybern), dr. Gino Lucchetta, Riccardo Gini, Almo Farina and Massimo Venturi Ferrioli.
The project is undergoing a process of reflection and public participation that will last until February 2017. You can consult the full program at: