Place: Lanzarote. Islas Canarias
Date: 2012
Developer: Ezquiaga Arquitectura Sociedad y Territorio S.L.
Design/direction: Miriam García García (Paisajista Consultora)
Team: Daniel Monzón Mayor
For this Project of Insular Planning, I acted as a consultant for the team contracted by the government of Lanzarote. An analysis was done of the existent landscape values on the island, which related them to potential opportunities for a new landscape management. Our work considers the landscape as Lanzarote´s greatest economic asset and potential for a positive future. The values are differentiated in two types: tangible and intangible. Among the tangible values we identified: ecological, historical and productive attributes; among the intangible: aesthetics, social use, spiritual and symbolic identity. Landscape management takes as a basis these values which offer a variety of possibilities for intervention, improvement and enhancement of existing and new landscapes.