Journal: Cuadernos del territorio. Infraestructuras/urbanismo/ planeamiento nº2. Ordenación del litoral (I)
Chapter: Method, development and Coastal Management Plan of Galicia
Date: 2010
Author: Miriam García García, Manuel Borobio Sanchiz, Manuel Anxo Freire Boado, Juan López Bedoya, Augusto Pérez Alberti
Publisher: Aguamarina
Pages: 35-54
The Coastal Management Plan of Galicia integrates the policies of regional and landscape planning as a tool to define the scope of area of the coast on which to work. In this sense, the plan arises from a holistic understanding of the coast and coastal processes, avoiding reductive approximations merely based on issues related to the coastline.
This article provides a summary of some of the main aspects of the Plan.