Workshop San Pablo-ZGZ. An academic experience in urban regeneration

Book: Urban regeneration. Proposals for San Pablo neighborhood, Zaragoza
Chapter: Workshop San Pablo-ZGZ. An academic experience in urban regeneration
Date: 2015
Author: Miriam García García, Francisco Berruete y Pablo de la Cal
Publisher: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza
Pages: 118-129


In recent decades, urban regeneration processes have gradually received more acknowledgement as an urban planning discipline and are now regarded as indispensable in contemporary city management. In this context of reformulating the practice of urban regeneration, the main challenge for Schools of Architecture is how to address it from the perspective of disciplines such as urban development, which tools and methodological bases we should convey to students to help them integrate in multidisciplinary design and urban management teams, and how can spatial planning allow city agents to form part of a shared resilient and supportive project.